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Welcome to Shewekar! +201553627522

Celestial Collection

Celestial Collection

We need to strive for more refined standards and elevate our senses to loftier heights

As we leave two years of pandemic behind us, returning to normal may not be sufficient. We need to strive for more refined standards and elevate our senses to loftier heights. That’s why we dubbed our new luxury collection, Celestial.  Headlining this timeless collection is our Signature-Shewkar-Straw; an all but lost traditional art custom that we brought to furniture design and manufacturing, after 18 months of extensive research and development. 

 Join us for a journey through the heavens that will stimulate your senses and spark your imagination.

Best-selling writer and author The Power of Positive Thinking Norman Vincent Peale said it best; “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”